1 |
Engineering workshop |
- Universal wood turning machine, Carpentry turning lathe – 2Nos, 7” heavy vices – 13no’s, 9” light vices -8
Nos, 6” light vices -3 Nos.
- Pillar type Drilling machine – 1 No., bench grinder – 1 No., Power press – 1 No., 6” bench vices -16 Nos.,
4” bench vices -7 Nos.
- Hand operating stake machine, Stakes – 16 Nos., Hand operating pipe bending machine – 1 No., Hand operating
circular machine -1 No., Hand operating pressing machine -1 No.
- House wiring panel boards – 2 Nos.
- Furnaces with hand blowers – 2 Nos., swage blocks, anvils.
414.61 |
2 |
Mechanical Engineering Lab |
- Redwood Viscometers –I & II,
- Saybolt’s Apparatus,
- Pensky Martins flash point Apparatus,
- Clevelands open cup Apparatus,
- Pressure gauge setup,
- Carbon Residue test,
- 4-Stroke Diesel Engine for Valve Timing Diagram,
- 2-Stroke Petrol Engine for Port Timing Diagram ,
- Fly Wheel setup for MI calculation,
- Compound Pendulum,
- Torsional pendulum.
75.92 |
3 |
Manufacturing Process Lab |
- Machine Lathes-19 No's,
- HMT Lathe- 1 No.,
- Capstan Lathe-1 No.,
- Milling Machine-1No.,
- Arc Welding Equipment,
- Foundry Equipment,
- Hydraulic Power Hacksaws-2No's,
- Shaping Machine- 1 No.,
- Planer Machine- 1No.
367.36 |
4 |
Strength of Materials Lab |
- Universal Testing Machine,
- Rockwell hardness tester,
- Brinell and Vickers hardness tester,
- Impact testing machine,
- Torsion testing machine,
- Spring testing machine.
136.33 |
5 |
ICE & KOM Lab |
- Single cylinder, 6 HP Diesel Engine With Belt Brake dynamometer.
- Single Cylinder, 5 HP Diesel Engines -2 (Coupled with Hydraulic Brake Dynometer/ DC Generator).
- Single Cylinder, 6 HP Diesel Engine With Rope Brake dynamometer.
- Twin Cylinder, 10 HP Diesel Engine with Hydraulic Brake Dynometer.
- Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor,
- Single Cylinder, Two Stroke 4 HP Diesel Engine.
- Motorised Gyroscope setup.
- Static & Dynamic balance test equipment
- Centrifugal water pump with 4 HP Motor.
- I.C Engine Components.
- Computer Based Single Cylinder, four-stroke VCR Multi Fuel engine (both Petrol and Diesel) with open ECU
for Petrol mode.
- Computer Based Multi Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig.
- Gas Analyser for measuring (CO, HC, CO2, O2, NO2 & SO2) with standard accessories, software and 24-
column dot matrix printer.
- Diesel smoke meter with standard accessories, Software and 24-column dot matrix printer.
- Launch X- 431pro (Cars diagnostic scan apparatus)
339.23 |
6 |
Machine Tools Lab |
- Universal Milling machine,
- Shaping machine,
- Surface grinding machine,
- Surface roughness tester,
- Slotting machine,
- Sieve shaker,
- All cut machine,
- Tool and Cutter Grinder,
- All geared bench Drilling machine,
- Rapid moisture teller,
- Clay content testing machine,
- Universal compression strength machine,
- Hardness tester,
- Sand rammers,
- Weighing machine (Mechanical and Electrical).
392.78 |
7 |
Metrology Lab. |
- Vernier calipers-11No's,
- Slip gauge set-2No's,
- C.I Surface plate,
- Angle Plates-2No's,
- Granite surface plate,
- Dial gauges-4No's,
- Outside micrometers-4No's,
- Compact Tool makers Micro Scopes-2No's,
- Thread ring gauge set-1No.,
- Optical bevel protractors-2No's,
- Five channel digital strain gauge meters 2No's,
- Indicating micrometer -1No.,
- Surface roughness indicators-2No's,
- Electronic comparators - 2No's,
- Profile projectors - 2No's.
75.15 |
8 |
Industrial Engineering Lab. |
- Bicycle Ergo meter,
- Tread mill,
- Electric toasters -2 No’s,
- B.P Apparatus,
- Weighing Machine,
- Vernier Calipers -2 No’s,
- Plain plug Gauge,
- Stopwatches-13 No's,
- Stethoscopes -3No's.
93.09 |
9 |
Fluid Mechanics Lab |
- Pelton turbine test rig
- Pipe friction apparatus
- Bernoulli’s apparatus- 1No’s
- Notches ( V-Rectangular, trapezoidal)-1No’s
- Venturi meter
- Orifice meter
- Pitot Tube
- Reciprocating Pump test rig
- Centrifugal pump test rig
- Impact of jet setup
104.04 |
10 |
Heat Transfer Lab |
- Thermal Conductivity of metal Bar Apparatus
- Composit wall Apparatus
- Pin Fin Apparatus
- Natural convection on vertical bar Apparatus
- Stefan Boltzman's Apparatus
- Emissivity measurement Apparatus
- Parallel and Counter flow Apparatus
- Drop and Film Wise Condensation phenomenon setup
- Forced Convection Apparatus
- Two Phase heat Transfer Apparatus
- Refrigeration test rig
- Air Conditioning Text Rig
75.56 |
11 |
CAD Lab |
- Computer systems :88 No's,
- UPS : 10KVA UPS,
- Auto CAD : Free student version,
- Solid works:100 user,
- Pro-E Wild Fire 3 - 5 users,
- CATIA V5- 5 users.
140.27 |
12 |
CAM Lab |
- Computer systems - 2 No's,
- CNC Turning machine-1 No.,
- CNC Vertical Milling machine-1 No.,
- Hetero fitted Turning machine- 1 No’s
- CMAS Software - 5 users.
15.41 |