The Women Empowerment Cell of SRKREC is committed towards the promotion and practice of the ideals of gender equity,
human dignity and the rights of all human beings. WEC constitutes two internal committees, viz., Women Grievance Redressal Committee (WGRC)
and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to promote the gender amity among the students and staff.
The role and responsibility of WEC is to enhance the awareness of gender sensitization and to
create an atmosphere free from any form of ragging, sexual discrimination and sexual harassment,
prevention, prohibition and social security, counseling etc. WEC organizes various activities to create awareness on safety and security, self-defense,
gender sensitivity and health to ensure a healthy and secure environment to the girl students and the women faculty.
Counseling is provided to encourage the students for early reporting of any issues/ complaint/ grievance of anything that comes into the purview of the college.
1. Conduction of gender awareness and sensitization activities on a regular basis.
2. Equal participation and opportunity for all genders.
3. Zero tolerance on the issues of gender discrimination/ harassment/ abuse.
4. Establishment of formal mechanism to deal with the issues related to gender discrimination, indiscipline and abuse.
5. Gender Sensitization and gender Amity on campus.
1. To build up the leadership qualities of girl students and women employees.
2. To bring awareness about the code of conduct, self defense, health and hygiene, gender
sensitivity, gender amity, civil rights, cyber security, constitutional rights and safety
3. To mould their personalities in professional aspects through training classes by experts.
4. To enlighten them in harmonizing innate Indian culture with the fast-pacing globalized
5. To help the girl students eliminate their inhibitions by the expert talks of counselors,
doctors, lawyers and women welfare activists.
6. To motivate the girl students to take part in extra-curricular/ co-curricular activities.